Dear Parents,

The primary purpose of a school is to guide the child in the discovery of his or her self and the world. Every child is born with enormous potential and is susceptive to achieve extraordinary pursuits. Each child is unique in terms of his or her talents and skills. We need to acknowledge these realities and provide our children with the care and support they deserve to realize their potential. As a parent, you may aspire your child to become a doctor, an engineer or any other professional for a secure future. However, have we ever given a thought to understand what our children are good at? A child is inherently curious about the world and wants to understand how things work. However, the schooling system in modern society falls short of achieving such noble pursuits. Unfortunately, nowadays education is narrowly considered a passport for a secure job. It’s high time that we acknowledge that the primary purpose of education is much beyond these notions. We have to stop force fitting our children into very few traditional models of career choices and success. Education must help children know depths of life and ultimately help them to become enlightened souls.  Imagine a school that sees children as seeds waiting to be nurtured, listened to and cared for. Imagine a set of teachers who perceive themselves to be the gardeners patiently bringing out the potential already present in the child. This view is very different from the perspective which sees a child as clay that can be moulded the way teachers or parents want. Our vision paves for a set-up that inculcates in children to be what they are, and not what they are forced to be. My request to you is to give your children freedom and a congenial environment to nurture and pursue their dreams. With the right thinking, we should pave the way for our children to be more creative and fearless in exploring life and its endless possibilities. It is an injustice to pressurize them to chase higher and higher marks in examinations. Education is not about scoring numbers. It was, and will always be about enlightenment. Let your child grow to his or her fullest potential with a positive attitude and make an impact for the betterment of society.


Vimal Singh Rathore