At Gyanfort, we have built culture of encouragement with the belief that every student has potential. Individual attention and support  is given to each student. Encouragement is one of the most powerful tool to unlock the untapped potential in a child. Encouraging words or actions have the power to motivate the child. Based on the need separate learning path is created for the student. Encouraging culture helps to build confidence of the student which intern pushes him to perform well in the challenging areas. Each student is good in some or other things. Individual’s detailed personality traits are maintained by the school and used for the learning plan. Different approaches to encourage students are

  1. Verbal Praise on specific tasks.
  2. Tangible form of encouragement
  3. Even a small effort is praised
  4. Nothing is failure; its always part of journey to move ahead.

We also engage a lot with parent’s via parenting workshops.Experts from the outside school are invited to address specific topics on parenting role for child’s education.  School has set up unique processes to engage parents which helps us to provide effective and adapted learning environment to the child.